
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25 May 2018. To ensure compliance with GDPR consent requirements, we need to confirm that you would like to receive email communications from Operation Black Vote (OBV) including newsletters, notification of high profile speakers events, and mentoring schemes such as our MP Shadowing scheme.

Unless you tell us otherwise, we will keep your data for a period of 365 days.  30 days before this deadline, we will contact you again to confirm if you would like to remain on our database for a further 365 days from that date.

We want to keep in touch with you for the simple reason: Together we not only defeat persistent race inequality, but also empower a BME generation to politically engage as never before and ensure that all our civic and political institutions finally become representative of the people they seek to serve.

When we began in 1996, there were only four BME MP’s, today there are over 50. But that particular job is still only half done.

Thank you.

Operation Black Vote