
A senior Conservative backbencher has warned that the tuition fees row has stoked "widespread" disaffection in the party about the coalition leadership.
British Social Attitude report finds people less supportive of the welfare state than in the 1980s...
The "mob" that attacked a car carrying the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall must be arrested and punished, David Cameron said today
Nick Clegg today appealed to the Liberal Democrats to move on from their divisions over tuition fees and re-unite to help the party deliver on its priorities in the coalition.
Reaction across the globe to the leaked US embassy cables has ranged from anger and bitterness to extreme indifference
The Nobel Peace Prize committee is preparing to host its award ceremony, amid continuing anger from the Chinese government at this year's winner.
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg branded opponents of tuition fee hikes "dreamers" today as tension mounted ahead of a crunch vote in the House of Commons.
Tony Blair is to be summoned back to the official inquiry into the Iraq invasion in light of damaging and conflicting evidence revealed since he appeared as a witness earlier this year.
Former Labour ministers Geoff Hoon, Stephen Byers and Richard Caborn have been rebuked for breaching lobbying rules.
It is, according to one breathless blogger, "the first great cyber war", or as those behind it put it more prosaically: "The major ****torm has begun."