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The making of a political activist
Throughout history Black political activism has usually stemmed from struggle: The Black civil rights movement spawned Dr Martin Luther King; South African Apartheid gave us Nelson Mandela and closer to home, firebrands such as Paul Boateng and the late Bernie Grant, cut their political teeth challenging the unaccountable deaths of Black youths in police custody. All of the above fought local battles and won, only to realise that real power can only be attained by having a seat and a voice within large democrat institutions.
I was none too surprised therefore, when Black activists from the Aylesbury housing estate in Southwark called me up to discuss political mobilisation of Aylesbury residents. This courageous band of community activists were fresh from a David and Goliath victory in their own back yard. They single-handedly put a halt to the Government's and the Local Authority's plan to transform this ailing housing estate. It wasn’t that they didn't want regeneration and a transformation of their neighbourhood, but rather, not at any price.The loss of their council status to an housing trust, along with inevitable rent rises, coupled with their estate looking like a building site for ten years whilst new private homes were built alongside their flats, was a price too high to pay. 73% of those who voted on the issue, (turnout was extraordinarily high 76%), democratically declared, 'thanks but no thanks'. A crushing defeat for the regeneration managers at Southwark, and a remarkable victory for the tenants on the Peckham estate. The high turnout also highlighted that people will get involved if they see there involvement will make a real difference.Activists such as Ricky Reynolds and Grahame Cee astutely recognised that although they won the battle with their 'No' campaign, the real challenge would be to ensure they would have a significant influence within the Council. Ricky began setting out his vision, "Simon, we need to register our tenants to vote for the forthcoming local elections. Over 60% of the tenants are Black but most are not registered to vote. If they are", he continued with all the passion of civil rights leader, "we could hold the balance of power in Southwark. The political parties would have do business with us. Black people would begin to have greater control over their lives". I, of course, whole-heartedly agreed. His rhetoric, 'we must take responsibility for change', has been the cornerstone of OBV's work. At the end of our meeting I offered Ricky's team our full support.The fact is, this is how community campaigners and grassroots political activists are nutured. Their motivation, loyalty and accountability all reside, first and foremost, within the community. Hence they cannot be bought off with the promise of high office or financial gain. Instead their only route is that of struggle. Struggle to convince white decision makers that the inclusion of Black people will only enhance the debate, and often, an even greater struggle to convince Black communities just how politically powerful they can be.The prize for the political activist is not only social justice, which, in the short or medium term, may or may not be achieved, but it's also about believing that you are doing the best you can for yourself and your community. I wish the team down in Peckham the very best. In such a deprived area of the UK they are showing many of us what can be collectively achieved.For more information about Aylesbury estate activist contact: Ricky at save-aylesbury@yahoo.co.uk