OBV alumnus runs for Parliament in native Camberwell & Peckham


Peter Babudu, an OBV star alumnus, is standing as the Labour Parliamentary candidate for Camberwell and Peckham constituency.  Peter took part in and graduated from the 2019 OBV Parliamentary Leadership programme.


Peter was born, raised, and continues to be a resident of the borough of Camberwell and Peckham. In his youth, the Labour government provided him housing and education funding when his father was made redundant, Babudu went on to study at Oxford and proudly represented his borough as councillor for Rye Lane. Babudu’s entire life has revolved around Camberwell and Peckham, he was born and raised there, raised his own family there, and holds a position as a local councillor. Babudu has dedicated the entirety of his adult life to aiding the most disadvantaged while simultaneously working to empower those whose voices are often silenced, and is devoted to continuing this mission. 


Throughout the years Babudu has tackled, and aided some of the most important issues within the community. As leader of the Youth Endowment fund, Babudu aids in preventing youth from becoming involved in violence. As Chair of the Blagrave Trust, Babudu serves to invest in youth organisations, young people, and better youth policy. As part of his mission to uplift minority groups, Babudu has created business policy which actively supports Black, Asian, and female-run businesses. The Labour parliamentary candidate tackled school exclusion, which led to a successful borough-wide commitment to ending school exclusion. Babudu believes in the power of representation, not only in seeing people that look like you, but also in being represented by people that have lived the way you live. As a true man of, and for, the community, Babudu understands that while he has lived in the borough for his entire life he still has to directly listen to the people who are growing up and living in it now to aid them in the ways they need most. 


As a Labour councillor, Babudu exposed malpractice amongst schools throughout the borough that were excluding Southwark children, in turn dramatically reducing the number of black, minority ethnic, and low-income children excluded from schools in the borough. In supporting the Southwark Pioneers Fund, he secured over £7 million in funds to support local social businesses which are the soul of the communities. His clear devotion to the betterment of Camberwell and Peckham is admirable and hard to come across. Babudu works to uplift and aid those who cannot help themselves and thus far he has done so graciously and commendably.

Support Peter at: www.peterbabudu.com