Government and OBV to tackle democratic divide

Addressing BME community groups at a special 'Power in Unity' gathering hosted by Operation Black Vote, the Minister gave her assurance that appropriate steps will be taken to ensure communities are registered and empowered to vote.

High on the Government's agenda is the commitment to tackle the large numbers of BME communities who are not on the electoral register. A DCA and Electoral Commission report recently outlined the depth of political disenfranchisement across the country. The report states that those least likely to be on the register are those among the young, poor/BME communities and those living in inner cities areas.

Gathering of prominent community groups at Power in Unity

Speaking about the democratic divide, Harriet Harman QC MP said, "I fear that we have, growing up, a generation who are turning their back on democracy. We cannot sit back and let that happen. It is not good enough to win the election. The electoral process itself has got to command legitimacy. This is an issue we are determined to tackle in order to ensure that we have universal suffrage. It's the Governments duty to enfranchise its citizens, not the other way around". To read the full speech, please click here

OBV, faith groups and other BME organisations are encouraged by the government's stance.

Dr. Muhammud Abdul Bari, Muslim Council of Britain said: "Isolated communities will eventually end up as secluded communities. Social and political empowerment can only be achieved through a positive interaction and engagement with others. This is the essence of Islamic teaching aswell. "

Simon Woolley and Dr. Muhammud Abdul Bari

OBV has pledged to register to vote 10,000 individuals in time for the Local Elections in May 2006. Simon Woolley, Director Operation Black Vote states: "Give us the tools and we will do the job. Together we will encourage and inspire a lost generation to use the democratic franchise and hold politicians to account. The Bethnal Green & Bow seat demonstrated the power of the Black vote and confirmed that there is no such thing as a safe seat when the BME electorate of an area is more than 20%".