Press Release: OBV support Mayor Ken Livingstone

OBV is vociferously a non-party political organisation working with all main stream parties to be more inclusive and reflect the views of the nations Black and minority ethnic communities.

We are pleased that the Tory leader, David Cameroon-in a speech yesterday- has begun the process to radically transform the make up of his party to ensure it reflects greater diversity. OBV has worked quietly behind the scenes with Cameroon's team to this end and will continue to support their BME community engagement work across the country.

However, OBV do not agree with the Tory Leader's criticism of Mayor Ken Livingstone. The facts clearly show that in the last twenty years there has not been a senior politician that has done more to tackle race and religious inequality than Ken Livingstone. As Mayor for London he has ensured that the Greater London Authority is the most representative civic institution in Britain today.

Sadly, the erroneous debate about multiculturalism, and 'sleep walking into segregation', has led many to believe that racial and religious diversity cannot work. Organisations such as OBV, Muslim Council of Britain, and many others including the Mayor for London feel angry and frustrated by these developments.

Simon Woolley, Director OBV