Tool kits

Equality Act Toolkit - A Resource for the BAME Community Sector

The Roots Research Centre, in collaboration with the 1990 Trust, has written this toolkit. It is designed to help voluntary and community organisations, and others working with BAME (Black Asian and Minority Ethnic) communities.  Use the Equality Act 2010 to challenge discrimination and promote equality.

This toolkit primarily focuses on race equality, but it also provides guidance on tackling discrimination and promoting equality for all who face discrimination. To help you to access what is most relevant for you, a summary of key information is provided at the beginning of each part of this toolkit.



Who can register to vote?

  • Anyone aged 16 or over (but you cannot vote until you are 18).
  • British or qualifying Commonwealth citizens. This means Commonwealth citizens who have leave to remain in the UK or do not require such leave.
  • Citizens of the Republic of Ireland or other European Union (EU) member states.

Who can vote?

  • British, Irish and qualifying citizens of Commonwealth countries (including Cyprus and Malta) can vote at all elections.
  • Citizens of other EU member states resident in the UK can vote in local government elections but cannot vote in UK Parliamentary elections.
  • Those resident in Scotland or Wales may also vote in Scottish Parliamentary or National Assembly for Wales elections.

Further information


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