3.5 Minutes, Ten Bullets


A powerful film, based on a true story, this film takes a look under the hood of urban violence in America. This unique film examines the relationship between youth violence and music in a dramatic and convincing portrayal of life for aspiring young people in the music industry. Hosted by Kush Films and Choices Consortium the evening promises much food for thought on contemporary life in the US.

Viv Ahmun Director of Choices Consortium said:

Serious youth violence is on the rise and we at Choices Consortium believe that culture, family and education form three important strands in meeting the challenges posed by rising levels of violence among the urban poor. Whether you are a practitioner in the field of anti violence, or a parent struggling with teenage adolescents, a politician looking for answers, this film provides powerful testimony to the lived reality of too many of our young people. Its a must see."

The booking information is on the leaflet but if you'd like to know more about the repertoire of Kush Boutique or the excellent work of Choices Consortium, click here.

Lee Jasper