Former Prime Minister signs Walter Tull petition


The former Prime Minister Gordon Brown used the 20th anniversary of football’s anti-racism campaign ‘Kick it out’ to highlight one of England’s greatest heros: Walter Tull.

He told the packed audience including the eldest son of Dr Martin Luther King jr, Martin Luther King 3rd:

Walter Tull was born in 1888, orphaned as a young boy, separated from his brother. All he could do was clean floors and clean shoes. But his talent for football was recognised and he played for Clacton, Tottenham, Northampton and perhaps would have signed for Celtic had racism not played a part. But as soon a war broke out this young man did not hesitate to sign up and fight for this country. ...During the war he was mentioned in dispatches for this bravery, and should have been awarded the military cross but never was."

Praising OBV’s petition that asks the Prime Minister David Cameron to posthumously award Walter Tull the Military Cross, Brown said we must recognise this man who was not given the rewards he deserved in his lifetime, a man who made such a great contribution in football and giving his own life for what he believed in.’

I spoke to Gordon's wife Sarah Brown, after his speech. She told me that:

‘Gordon knows so much about Walter Tull, he’s very passionate about his story and the plight by his family and others to ensure Tull is duly recognised by the State for his bravery in the 1st World War.’

Today former PM’s office confirmed that Gordon Brown had personally signed OBV’s petition.

On a related issue, football legends Garth Crooks and Sol Campbell, recently wrote to the Prime Minister David Cameron to look into the claim to give Tull his due reward.

Let’s keep the momentum going in this 100th Anniversary year of the 1st World War.

Simon Woolley