Judge Hollingworth: “Patels don’t do important work”


Is this what key establishment figures really think of Asian people?

In an astonishing outburst which came out of the blue, a senior Judge, Deputy District Judge Richard Terrence Peter Hollingworth, sought to guess the occupation of a witness who might need permission for time off work.

The judge argued:

It won’t be a problem. She won’t be working anywhere important where she can’t get the time off. She’ll only be working in a shop or an off-licence.”

Not content with one layer of crude racial stereotyping, when the prosecutor Rachel Parker inquired what the Judge meant, Hollingworth replied:

With a name like Patel, and her ethnic background, she won’t be working anywhere important where she can’t get the time off. So that’s what we’ll do.”

At that point Parker withdrew from the case, telling the judge:

I am professionally embarrassed. I cannot prosecute this case.”

The Judge Hollingworth has been forced to resign as a 150k a year district Judge, but astonishingly still holds his position as an immigration judge.

It is one thing to harbour these racial stereotypical views, which inherantly see us as inferiour, particularly by one in such a powerful position, but quite another to demean person with those views in a court of law.

The question many will be asking is what does Hollingworth think of Africans, Romanians, Latin Americans, many of whom he’ll be judging during the immigration cases? And won’t there now be many convicted BME individuals who’ll now want their cases overturned because they were judged in by a Judge with deeply prejudiced views?

Surely he should be sacked from all his judicial duties and stripped of the honour of a Judge.

Simon Woolley