Miliband's resuffle highlights lack of Black shadow cabinet members



Congratulations to Anas Sarwar on his promotion as Shadow Minister of State for International Development as part of Ed Milibands' mini-shuffle.

The Labour leaders rejigging of his top team has grabbed more attention because of the females he's promoted with insiders saying it means he's met his target of women making up 50 per cent of his team, and indeed Anas Sarwar is number two to Mary Creagh, the new shadow Secratary of State for International Development.

It's clear that no such targets have been set for Black and Minority Ethnic members of the Shadow Cabinet. Out of a shadow team of 26, only Chuka Umunna and Sadiq Khan are non-white. Add Anas and that makes three, a number which is hardly likely to inspire and excite young black people aspiring to political leadership in the Labour Party.

It is worth reminding the Labour leader of the pledges he made at the meeting organised by Operation Black Vote in Croydon last month. These included ensuring that, if Labour formed the next government, every department would have a race equality strategy, and that all-Black shortlists of Labour candidates will 'not be ruled out'.

Miliband, like the other main party leaders, are likely to take more seriously the demands of the BME community when they see the impact of the eXpress campaign bus as it tours many of the marginal constituencies where the BME vote could sway the result, in the months leading up to the May General Election.

Paul Hensby