Nick Clegg: new powers for voter registration


With over 3.5 million people, many from BME communities, not on the electoral register the Coalition Government under Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg’s leadership is undertaking a new initiative which will see local councils given new powers to increase voter registration.

Councils will gain powers to cross-reference their databases as part of a pilot scheme intended to increase the number of people registered to vote. This will allow Councils to identify people who are not on the electoral register and enable them to be targeted more efficiently ensuring their democratic voice is heard at elections.

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said: "...when you look more closely at where the problem is worst: among the young; among black and ethnic minority communities; in areas with high social deprivation. The coalition Government is clear: these missing millions must be given back their voice."

In addition to the new powers for voter registration there will be regular reviews of the electoral boundaries, the areas that form constituencies which Members of Parliament are elected to represent, and further measures to deal with electoral fraud by introduce individual – replacing the current system of household – registration to vote.

Speaking ahead of a Hansard Society event this evening where the Deputy Prime Minister is expected to announce the changes Nick Clegg said: "A more complete register and more up-to-date boundaries are both central to democratic reform - we have to shape the system around our changing demographics; it's all part of moulding our politics to suit people's lives."