Archive 2015

PM: We have already persuaded big employers to make job applications name-blind
No Mr Williams you were not treated like a slave, because by definition you were not enslaved
The BBC and the Daily Mail, both led with the focus on ‘Poor white boys get a worse start in life’.
Martin Luther King: "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed"
High Court judge:"...the shooting dead of a suspect by police is always a matter for careful scrutiny"
One of the largest crises facing the global community today is that of the escalating Syrian crisis
Hamilton winning his third World Championship in the US was meaningful for a number of reasons
Theresa May is making it her mission to change the relationship between the police and BME communities.
Two of the most influential/powerful Asians in the UK today are children of working class families
Hate crimes have risen an immense 18%, now reaching an unacceptable grand total of 52,528 hate crimes.