The West’s silence to children murdered in Gaza


This is not OBV’s field of work, but after so much brutality and murder of innocent men, women and children and the lack of moral courage from our political leaders we felt we have to say something. We must condemn what is so patently wrong. On humanitarian grounds we speak for the powerless who are being brutalised by this one sided conflict.

When the Russian-backed rebels shot down a passenger airline killing nearly 300 innocent individuals, the West forcibly blamed, vilified and condemned President Putin. Furthermore, sanctions were almost immediately initiated to hurt the Russian economy and make Putin pay.

However, in breathtaking contrast the murder of thousands, including many innocent men, women and children by the Israeli army, -not a proxy army- has received, little or no condemnation, no sanctions, and no outrage by our own Prime Minister David Cameron and not much more from any other political leaders in the West.

Over the weekend, we heard the wicked and chilling words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when he said if Hamas, "Do not hand over the Israeli soldier –feared captured, but actually lost in action- they (the Palestinians) would pay an intolerable price."

True to his word, more than 200 Palestinians were murdered within 24 hrs. The Israeli army had two of its soldiers killed.

Rarely does the United Nations use such strong language, but having seen its refuge centres, for children and the wounded, bombed three times killing scores of children, they have spoken out in strongest terms.

A UN Official stated the latest attack was

Gross violation of international humanitarian law."

He said the

Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have been repeatedly informed of the location of these sites."

At the time of the strike – about 10.50am local time – dozens of children and adults were clustered around the gates buying biscuits and sweets from stalls set up by locals.

Why does the world sit by whilst a bully with unprecedented fire power seeks to crush and displace a proud people? Does the West think it’s fair when its seems that the Israeli Government calculates the loss of one Israeli shall be met with the death of 10, 20, 50, or 100 Palestinians, and the suffering of many thousands?

Israel may win a short military victory but it’s storing up decades of hatred in and around the region.

Equally alarming is the fact that here in the West we are losing the moral authority whilst we idly stand by afraid to comment on such atrocities much less take action. In most other places around the world, we would be calling for humanitarian action, but in Palestine our leaders ‘see no evil, speak no evil or hear no evil’.

Simon Woolley