K Hopkins: Morally and now financially almost bankrupt


Kate Hopkins made her name and living by spewing hatred of others particularly those who she perceived had less power than herself including African migrants who she likened to cockroaches, and demanded that instead of rescuing them crossing the Mediterranean, she’d deploy gun boats to do what we can only imagine.

After the terrorist attack on Manchester she called used the holocaust rhetoric of a ‘Final Solution,’ and was scathing about poor people who through no fault of their own find themselves in debt.

Her poisoned comment about the latter would come haunt a person with any sensibility but not the contemptuous Katie Hopkins.

She said:

The only thing people in debt have in common other than bad money management is an ability to blame anyone but themselves.”

Now after losing a libel case to the writer and blogger Jack Monroe, Hopkins finds herself in desperate debt. She has already lost her home in Devon to pay her debts, but now has applied to the courts to avoid complete financial insolvency by requesting an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA).

For nearly a decade Hopkins was paid a handsome price for her hatred and bigotry. But now after being sacked by the Daily Mail and LBC radio station she has little or no income and debts she can barely pay.

Whilst there are many who would see Hopkins plight as true karma to a person who’d wilfully cause hatred and bile, the woman who beat in the courts is not jubilant, just sad, that her plea for a an apology was dismissed by the hateful Hopkins out of hand.

One would hope that in spite of the poisonous bile Hopkins has spewed of others she might have a moment of reflection, and genuinely think, ‘ I can be better than this’. But I doubt it. On Twitter, Hopkins has an audience of about 800k followers more than any other politician in the UK.

Worse still I suspect her vast global audience like her brand of racial hatred; therefore, I envisage more of the same until she crosses the legal line that transcends her hate speech into incitement to racial attacks. How she’s not been convicted of that I’ll never know.

Simon Woolley