Sign the Covid-19 Race Equality Strategy petition


Sign the petition

When we started this petition we knew the cause was right and timely, but we never expected more than a few thousand signatories, just enough to say people cared. Never did we imagine the depth and breadth of just how much you care. Thank you to all of you who signed and circulated this petition!

We are now tantalisingly close to 100,000 signatures with national media outlets including the Guardian, Channel 4,  Sky and BBC news reporting on this campaign, and your views.

We'd like to ask you to please continue this incredible momentum.

Let us reach 100,000 officially within the next few days. Send it out through your social media networks, or just pick up the phone and spread the word.

Help us reach this landmark so we can make a big political noise.

Encourage many more to sign and demand a Covid-19 Race Equality Strategy including lobbying your MP to get on board.

Thank you.
The OBV team

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