Race haters turn on each other


It’s not too surprising that the BNP are imploding. After all, when you set up an organisation based on hate, when things don’t go the way you’d like: in the BNP’s case not fooling enough people to believe their race hate lies, they turn on themselves.

Yesterday, their only elected representative the nasty Richard Barnbrook was expelled by the party for trying to oust it’s leader Nick Griffin.

Aside from their rabid dog eat rabid dog mentality, it’s important to remember that the BNP’s demise came about because good people acted. They acted to counter their lies, they acted to encourage people to democratically say no to race hatred, and they acted to challenge and challenge again the legality of the Party’s own racist constitution.

This phase of tackling race hatred may be won, but others such as the English Defence League have  emerged, and as before the BNP will attempt to reinvent itself soon.

Sadly, when it comes to hate fuelled organisations we must always remain diligent.

Lastly, I would never encourage the mocking of those that are fighting amongst themselves, but this time…

By Simon Woolley