Esther Stanford-Xosei: Black sistas say no to ‘Exhibit B’


Esther Stanford-Xosei makes an impassioned plea to Britain’s Black community to stand up against the Barbican and Brett Bailey’s exhibit B:

We do not learn anything by reliving the trauma of being caged like animals ... or being lashed and abused as enslaved people. It’s definitely not education to have people sitting in cages, dehumanising themselves."

I’ll send this video to the Chair and the Director at the Barbican. I’ll also send it to Jan Ryan, Brett Bailey’s UK producer. The anger and pain you hear from Esther is reverberating with many thousands of Black and white people who feel strongly that to objectify and dehumanise Black people again is simply not acceptable.

What type of person, what type of institution would carry on with this ‘Exhibition’ knowing that they are causing so much pain to a people they say they are seeking to serve?

Simon Woolley