Is Scotland confronting its racism?


One of the most striking aspects of the Scottish referendum debate was just how much the nation's Black and minority ethnic communities proudly declared their Scottishness, and their willingness to vote for independence.

If the referendum in Scottish independence were to be decided on BME votes alone Scotland would be an independent nation state, having witnessed two thirds of BME voters supporting the independence.

This was fascinating on many levels, not least because south of the Scottish border BME communities rarely describe themselves as English. There are many reasons for this, one reason might be that Englishness often denotes a narrow cultural and racial persona . Calling ourselves British, does however, embrace a wider sense of Commonwealth history

But the BME Scots have sought to drape themselves with Scottish flag and declare their sense of belonging.

How must it feel therefore, for the thousands of Asians and other minorities to witness some deplorable levels of racial abuse and attackes in Scotland? Despite BME communities declaring their Scottishness, racism is on the increase, up by 4%. But these percentage figures don’t even tell half the story of the pain and misery that families have to endure.

One Pakistani family was forced to move from their home because of the deluge of racial hatred their neighbours subjected them to.

‘Go home p...’ daubed all over their home clearly left this family fearing for their very safety.

There is no doubt that the people of Scotland are going through a massive political and cultural affirmation about who they are, with BME communities clearly wanting to be a part of it, but as this debate highlights who they are, and who they are not, without strong leadership, racism at its most crudest level will flourish.

Whether or not the Scottish people stay in the Union, BME communities need to know and feel that they are included, valued and, where necessary, protected against the scourge of racism.

Cassie Rodgers