
Pathway 2021: Opening days of the flagship residential fly by


Two days in, and the 2021 Pathway to Success residential feels like it's flown by.

Jamii name first winner of out-of-home Black business campaign


, the UK's first app-powered Mobile Barbershop has been announced as the first winner of a national ad campaign looking to boost public engagement with Black-owned businesses.  

Afghanistan facing 'humanitarian catastrophe', UN warns


UN Secretary general António Guterres warned of a looming humanitarian catastrophe following the withdrawal of western forces.

He expressed grave concern for "the deepening humanitarian and economic crisis in the country and the threat of basic services collapsing completely."

58 years after the March on Washington, U.S. activists brace themselves for national voting rights march


On the 58th anniversary of the ‘March On Washington’, thousands of Americans will descend on the streets of the nation’s capital to ‘March On’ for voting rights. Nationwide rallies will be supported by more than 140 national and local organisations coalescing in opposition to legislation that restricts the right to vote.

OBV urges international support for 'March On for Voting Rights'


Operation Black Vote is calling for international support from equality organisations and individuals, black, brown and white, as Rev Al Sharpton and Rev Martin Luther King III embark on their historic March On for Voting Rights on the 28th August 2021.

Rest in Peace Maxine James, dear friend


I can’t begin to express how deeply saddened I am following the unexpected loss of one of our special SupaSista’s, Maxine James.

Marcus Rashford, a young Black leader at the forefront of national change


Marcus Rashford is a young Black leader at the forefront of national change. Inspired and driven by his own personal experiences, where he grew up in a single-parent household and faced struggles growing up, Rashford galvanised the government to address the issue of food poverty amongst disadvantaged families.

OBV CEO Lord Woolley rejects Lord Robathan's BLM swipe during debate on Afghanistan


OBV CEO Lord Simon Woolley pushed back against suggestions that Britain’s enemies now sensed a “collapse in confidence” and “weakness” due to “caving in” to “left wing” causes such as BLM.

Individuals under BME umbrella term see unemployment rise three times faster than white counterparts


The unemployment rate for individuals termed as 'BME' workers has risen at three times the speed of the rate for white workers according to the TUC. The conclusion is drawn from the latest round of unemployment figures from the ONS.

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