Who Runs My City?

Introduction & Overview

Central to Operation Black Vote’s (OBV) work has been the empowerment of Black and minority ethnic communities so that they can play a full and positive role in civic society and thereby have greater control over their daily lives.

A key aspect of empowerment is to have an increased understanding of public decision-making bodies such as local councils and elected assemblies.

OBV have sought to bridge the gap between citizen and the city’s governance. In ´Who Runs My City?’ we have attempted to physically map out key bodies and institutions that make up a city’s governance.

This is coupled with an in-depth booklet on the functions of the various public bodies’, the people who run them, and how to make contact.

Furthermore, we have also tried to give concrete examples of why an individual, organization or group would seek to engage with any of these institutions.

We have strived to ensure that we have included all public bodies, but we hope that you can help identify any missing information so we can have a continually improving and comprehensive website.