What we do

Operation Black Vote’s work covers four main areas:

      Political education: This aims to raise awareness and understanding of democratic and civic society through citizenship projects.

      Political participation: This aims to improve engagement with civic society through local and national voter registration and other civic participation campaigns.

      Political representation: This aims to increase political representation of Black and minority ethnic communities, through encouraging engagement;  undertaking ground-breaking mentoring schemes; lobbying  political parties and civic institutions on the benefits of representative bodies.

      Promotion of equality and human rights: increasing the awareness of a progressive equality and human rights agenda. 

Increasingly, our news and blog website has become an important media tool to inform, challenge and campaign.

24hr global communication means that we have to be media savvy - using the latest communication tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and our own blog and videos.

OBV however, never forgets that the most effective campaigning is through personal interactions. That means traveling around the UK, visiting schools and colleges, holding big and small meetings that mobalises individuals and communities to be part of the change process.