OBV's MP Shadowing Scheme is back!

The nation's most successful mentoring scheme is back witht the support of the DCLG, and now it's your opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, former minister Helen Grant, and former shadow minister Clive Lewis.

We're looking for the best; the most committed, community orientated, dynamic individuals to help change our world.

To help you on the journey you'll be paired with a high profile politician, and you'll be given five-star training in areas such as; policy, public speaking, community activism and lobbying.

Do you have what it takes to become an elected representative, a leader, a dynamic change maker? Maybe you know of somebody else that could apply - a family member, friend or partners?

If so have a read of the information below and be inspired!