Layla Moran MP (Liberal Democrat)

Layla Moran has been the Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West and Abingdon since June 2017. In the December 2019 General Election, Moran received 31,340 votes, which equalled a 53.3% of the vote share, retaining her seat.

In winning her seat, Layla became the first MP of Palestinian descent and the first female Liberal Democrat MP from a minority background.

Growing up, Layla lived in many countries, including Belgium, Ethiopia, Greece, Jamaica and Jordan. As a result, Layla now speaks four languages, including Arabic and Greek.

In 2000 Layla began her undergraduate degree at Imperial College London, where she studied Physics for three years. From 2005 to 2007, Layla completed a PGCE at Brunel Univesity, and in 2007 went on to study for a Master’s degree in Comparative Education at the Institute of Education.

After graduating, Layla embarked on a teaching career, specialising in maths and physics. Presently, Layla is the head of year at an international school in Oxford whilst also being a school governor at a local school in her area. Prior to this however, Layla worked as a part-time course tutor for Oxford Study Courses, and from 2013 became a full-time academic manager there.  

Layla’s political career began when she lead a campaign to save her local community centre that was under the threat of closure.  Since then, Layla became actively involved in the Liberal Democrat Party, and has since been an elected member of the International Relations Committee and also a former co-chair of the Parliamentary Candidates Association.After being elected in June 2017, Layla was named Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Education, Science & Young People in the House of Commons.

Layla is passionate about creating fairer taxation, attaining more school places, and improving the transport in Oxford West and Abingdon. 


Contact Details

Tel: 0207 219 3905
Twitter: @laylamoran