Marsha de Cordova MP (Labour)

Marsha de Cordova has been the Labour MP for Battersea since she was first elected in the 2017. In the December 2019 General Election, De Cordova retained her seat with 27,290 votes, equalling 45.5% of the vote share. 

She is a graduate of the OBV BME Women's Councillor Scheme.

In 2014, Marsha was elected Labour Party Councillor for the Larkhall ward on Lambeth Council. Marsha’s longstanding involvement in politics stems from her experience as a disabled woman, as she is registered blind. Marsha hopes that through her involvement, she will be able to break down barriers for people with disabilities by giving guidance on the kind of adjustments that need to be made.

Alongside her political career, Marsha is also a disability rights campaigner. She has worked at the leading sight loss charity, Thomas Pocklington Trust, where she was the Director of Engagement and Advocacy. In addition, Marsha was previously the Chief Executive Officer for the charity South East London Vision, and prior to this worked for Action for Blind People.

Tel: 0207 219 0209
Twitter: @Marshadecordova